Monday, June 6, 2011

I Just Had To Share These

Libby and Darla


Pheebie and her babies


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Aw, The Simple Joys in Life!

So, our second baby chick hatched last friday night, its a little frizzle. So cute! We were very anxious to see how Milli would react to being a big sister already, and turns out shes just as mean and feisty as her mama, (Pheebie) she wouldnt let Jerrie (the new frizzle) in her brooder box, she was trying to peck her eyes out! NOT GONNA HAPPEN ON MY WATCH! So I decided to go see if Pheebie would adopt her since she had her own little baby hatch out the same day Jerrie was hatched. To my suprise it worked Pheebie adopted her right away and both the two little chicks went and hid under their mama! I just love doing this it is so fun to watch, and makes me so happy to see how nature really works!

This was before Milli wasnt going to be nice...

Jeraldine AKA Jerrie


Pheebies such a good mommy, who woulda thunk it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Perfect Way To End A cRaZy Month!

Out of all the crazy things that have happened here this month this is the winner!!! We (Kimi and I) watched as one of our eggs in the incubator slowly but surely hatched! That was the most awesome thing ever! I cant wait to do it again!

                                                   We did have to step in and help the little guy get a jump start...this was after waiting and waiting and we started to worry a bit!

Jay didnt appreciate this moment very much..we set the egg back in the incubator and Jay walked over to look in and see the progress and he wasnt very fond of the fact that it was "staring at him"! HAHA

He made friends with his little stuffed doggy!